
Friday, August 7, 2009

Security In Navision

The Navision security system allows you to control which objects (tables and so on)each individual user can access within each database. You can specify the type ofaccess that each user has to these tables and records – whether they are able toread, modify or enter data.
Furthermore, in the SQL Server Option you can specify which particular records thatare stored in these tables each individual user is allowed to access. In other words,permissions can be allocated at both table level and at record level in the SQL ServerOption for Navision.
The Navision security system contains information about the permissions that havebeen granted to each individual user who can access each particular database. Thisinformation includes the roles that the users have been assigned as well as anyparticular permissions that they have been granted as individual users.
The Navision security system, even though it is a homogenous integrated system, canbe said to consist of four different levels of security:·
1. Database Level Security·
2. Company Level Security·
3. Object Level Security·
4. Record Level Security

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