
Saturday, September 12, 2009

System Table in Navision

System Tables are created automatically by the Navision to manage system security and keys in Navision. There are eight system tables in Navision:
1) 2000000002 - User
2) 2000000003 - Member Of
3) 2000000004 - User Role
4) 2000000005 - Permission
5) 2000000053 - Windows Access Control
6) 2000000054 - Windows Login
7) 2000000006 - Company
8) 2000000203 - Database Key Groups

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Relational Operators

This operator is used in a relational expression to test a relationship betweenthe term preceding it and the term following it, resulting in a Boolean value.
The relational operators are:·
= (equal to)·
< (less than)·
> (greater than)·
<= (less than or equal to)·
>= (greater than or equal to)·
<> (not equal to)·
IN (included in set)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Object-Oriented vs. Object-Based

C/SIDE is not object-oriented but object-based. This is an important distinction. In an object-oriented language or environment, a developer can create new types of objects based on the ones already in the system. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you can only create objects that are either tables, forms, pages, reports, dataports, XMLports, codeunits, or menu suite objects.Because there are a limited number of application objects, C/SIDE works faster and more efficiently. The greatest benefit is the Stability.